Book: The University in the Republic’s Service

The book The University in the Republic’s Service will introduce ten selected graduates of Charles University who have contributed to the spreading of the Czech Republic’s good renown in diplomatic service. The book design is based on the permanent connection of the university environment with the state interests, and follows the example set by important academics in the service of the Czechoslovak Republic (Edvard Beneš, Kamil Krofta, Jan Krčmář, etc.). The University is described as both a place for acquisition of high-quality education and a seedbed for formation of firm life attitudes and values such as respect for democracy and advocating of academic and general freedoms. The diplomat’s task in this context is dignified fulfilment of principles on which the foundations of Czech democratic society have stood.

Interviews with these personalities will enable the reader to get an idea of the lives and work of the different diplomats. In order to appeal to the largest possible number of readers, the interviews will be designed with an emphasis on readability and relevance and will strive for added educational value.

The purpose of the publication is to point out the tight and fruitful relationship between Charles University and the Czech state by means of its prominent graduates who have been actively involved in defending the interests and spreading the good renown of the Czech Republic.

As part of the celebrations of the Czechoslovak statehood, Charles University wishes to highlight the importance of high-quality education as not only a precondition for qualified work in the state service but also a foundation for acquisition of values of democratic society.

Book launch ceremony on 25 October 2018

Last change: January 22, 2018 13:29